Monday, 5 March 2012


It has taken 5 long months and lots of glue, paper, glitter, internet searching, space books etc but we have finally finished our solar system project. It may seem a long time to spend on a project but I was also heavily pregnant, gave birth and now dealing with a newborn so Alhamdulillaah I don't think we done too bad.

I must admit i am glad it is over!!

Today we done a mini fun quiz so I can see exactly what the children have managed to learn along the way and I am pleased to say that A and L both answered all questions correctly which makes me happy as I can see all the late night preparations and effort was worth it.

This was the first full on project we have done and I have learnt many things from it. The main thing I have taken from this project is not to waste time teaching the children unimportant facts. OK so it is great that they now know that in such and such a year Russia and US both sent a spacecraft that met up in space, but what exactly can they do with this information, hmmm not a lot!

For our next project that we will begin in a few weeks inshaaAllaah we will be spending a maximum of one month on it and will learn enough to have covered it but without covering things that really do not need to be covered.

The children have asked to do a project on animals which will be a nice change from stars, suns and moons, but before we go on to cover any new project we will be learning a little bit of history, the Battle of Hastings to be exact as we are off there next week inshaaAllaah for a mini break by the sea (yes I know the weather is not great but we need to get in there before the summer nakedness begins). It will be a great opportunity to teach them (and myself if i am honest) a little bit of history and then go and see with our very eyes the exact place these events took place. Text books are great but there really is nothing like seeing the real thing.