We are still working on our solar system project but are slowly starting to finish things up so that we can move on to a new project inshaaAllaah. I REALLY would like this one to come to an end now. There is only so much we can learn and if we tried to cover it all we would never end as the Universe and all it contains really is a vast subject. I must say though that working on it really has made me see just how great Allaah is. Just learning about our milky way and what it contains has fascinated me, so to know there is more out there and Allaah is the Creator of it all is simply breathtaking.
The children have been working in the lapbook quite a bit this week and trying to complete as many of the sections as possible.
We discussed celestial worship and how Prophet Ibraheem (alayhi salam) looked to the stars, moon and sun and for a while believed that they were his Lord, but upon seeing them set realised he was indeed in great error and submitted himself to the One Lord of all that exists, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
A printed off some verses of Qur'aan to go in one of the little pockets we made (I did not realise until he had stuck them on that the verses refer to Ibraheem as Abraham):
As part of our religious studies I also explained to the children how one of the six pillars of eemaan is to believe in all the Books, including the Torah, the Injeel, and the Qur’aan, and how they are really the same book (but now, the original Torah and Injeel no longer exist). We read Deuteronomy 4:19 – “And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshipping things the Lord, your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven" and discussed how Allaah is telling the people not to worship the celestial bodies but nowadays sadly some people worship many things even though they claim to be following the Book of God.
The children also made a poster to show the difference between a planet and a moon. We got this idea from a wonderful blog that we follow MaashaaAllaah:
Some new flaps were added to the lapbook to add further information about the sun:
The two that have been completed so far:
As part of our islamic studies we discussed some ayat in which Allaah tells us about the sun. The children then added some of them to the sun flap:
We also covered the sun in more detail, and the children coloured a paper plate to show the different layers:
We made a poster to show the Earth's seasons. The children selected two seasons each and drew a picture to add to our poster. A then drew the cycle of seasons and wrote some information explaining how the cycle works:
We use Friday for our islamic studies that are separate to our solar system work and we recently found a poster that we started back in 2010, we have been discussing the different acts of ibaadah and I explained that as long as something is done for the sake of Allaah and in accordance to the Sunnah then this can become an act of ibaadah.
Last of all we have been working on the Names and Attributes of Allaah:
The children chose these five Names to work on after watching a DVD i had recently bought for them. It is called the Misri Bunch and i would highly recommend it. Here is a sample from the DVD: