Wednesday, 8 February 2012


After much deliberation I have moved our classroom from the main living/dining room to one of the bedrooms. Alhamdulillaah I am blessed to have a good size 3 bedroom house which means that A and L both had their own bedrooms, however most nights ended in A grabbing his quilt and camping it out on the floor at the bottom of L's bed as they enjoyed telling one another stories. They often asked if they could share a bedroom but I never gave it much thought. Over the weekend a brother text my husband and said he had some bunk beds that were in great condition and did we want them. Straight away my mind went to A and L's idea of sharing a room and I agreed we should take them. I agreed that A and L could share a room and that we would take advantage of the now spare room and use it as a classroom. Here is how it looks:

I must admit it is nice to finally have the downstairs of my house looking like my home again instead of a school with a settee stuck at the far end lol. We plan to move in the next few years inshaaAllaah and I am aware that A and L can not share a bedroom forever but while it lasts I shall make the most of it :-)

A and L have also been asking if we can move our fish tank into the classroom but this is one request that I refused to give in to.....well not completely.

A and L's very own fish tank, complete with a multi coloured light to give it that tropical touch (L's words, not mine). It is not very clear from this photo but they used cling film across the width of the window for their 'glass'. Tomorrow they plan to add some stones, bridges and rocks inshaaAllaah. I must say I am glad our real fish have not grown this big! The fish were made in 4 simple steps:

1. Take a paper plate and mark roughly one quarter with a pencil

2. Cut that section out to make the fishes mouth. 

3. Stick (we used a staple) the cut out piece at the back to make the tail. 

4. Decorate your fish in any way you like, the more colourful the better we say :-)

I am in love with our new classroom and I am looking forward to filling the walls with A and L's wonderful work inshaaAllaah.


  1. Assalaamu Alaikum sis
    Masha Allaah it looks great! May you have more and more learning adventures, and May Allaah bless you all with it. Aameen!

  2. wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu, aameen! jazakillaahu khayran sis =)
