After seeing a liquid measurement activity over at
Ummi homeschools me blog, the children asked if we could do something similar. I searched on amazon for a set of the cylinders but was not happy with paying almost £30. Then I found a great site called
Better equipped where cylinders started for as little as 22p!
We managed to get a set of seven cylinders for just £15 including delivery. Their delivery time was fantastic as well and will definitely be using them again inshaaAllaah. I ordered late Thursday and our parcel arrived Saturday morning!
I made up two question sheets for the children to work with and they had to estimate the answer before trying the actual test.
L filling out her question sheet |
The questions the children had to work with |
A filling out his answers on the worksheet |
We then started the fun part. I mixed water with a drop (a drop too much I think) of black food colouring in a large jug and the children carefully took it in turns to measure out the required liquid
Our cylinders all lined up and ready to go |
A showing how many 25ml cylinders it takes to fill the 50ml |
L showing how many 10ml cylinders it takes to fill the 50ml |
A carefully pouring his liquid out |
L having a go at filling the 100ml cylinder |
A having his turn |
A loved filling up the 1000ml cylinder |
L carefully having her turn |
The 1000ml cylinder all filled up |
Completed worksheets, with water marks to add that extra touch lol |
The children really enjoyed this experiment and have asked if we can do it again soon. I am going to print off some more work sheets and make them a little more varied (and harder). It was good to get some maths in and work with different measurements while the whole time the children just smiled and giggled as they checked to see if their estimated answers were correct.
Big thanks to everyone at Ummi homeschools me for sharing this fun activity, alhamdulillaah :-)