Monday, 2 July 2012


This is not so much a homeschooling post containing work from the children but I felt I had to add this to the blog as I feel homeschooling has played a big part in the way in which A and L behaved this week after we had some sad news. My uncle (my mums brother) passed away on Thursday after a battle with cancer and other complications.

Obviously on Thursday evening I was very sad and sat on my bed in tears after receiving a phone call from my mum with the sad news. I wasn't aware that A and L really knew what was going on so you can imagine my surprise when they came and knocked on my door to give me two cards they had made for me

Their response to this sad news really made me think how homeschooling has given my husband and I the chance to teach them the deen. Don't get me wrong a child who goes to school could well have acted the same way but I truly believe that homeschooling has given us the chance to make the children's islamic studies the main priority in our life. Alhamdulillaah we are blessed to be able to spend as much (or as little) time as we want on teaching them about Islaam and the way in which we, as Muslims should live our lives. 

I was so proud of them for the way they dealt with this and they made me realise that they teach me just as much as I could ever teach them. We are on a learning journey together and I am so truly blessed to have such wonderful mini Muslims on my team maashaaAllaah. 

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