I have not posted on here for such a long time so its time for a little update. I am due to give birth in just over a week inshaaAllaah so once again things are going slow. We set a target of working on seven countries before we take a break. The children had chosen Ghana, UK, Canada, Iran, China, India and Zambia and alhamdulillaah we have managed to finish our work on those countries.
I have not got round to taking pictures of all the completed work (my life is so slow I don't even have time to take pictures *big sigh*) but we have some to share with you.
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Boarding passes and stamped passports |
The children enjoyed learning about popular foods from around the world and one they would like us to make is Poutine, a dish from Canada made from gravy, chips and cheese.
Canada section complete with stamps and money |
India |
We have managed to grab some good bargains from ebay for stamps and notes and we really enjoy looking at the notes and the many different details on them.
Some of the many notes we have collected |
Our stamp collection |
Next A would like to work on Japan, Madagascar and Egypt and L wants to learn about Indonesia, Spain and Tuvalu. I must admit I had to look Tuvalu up as had never heard of it, but for me that's one of the beautiful things about home education, its a learning journey for us all. I get to discover new things along with my children maashaaAllaah.
Having a small baby and being heavily pregnant means I have needed to find work we can do that is easy on me but at the same time still beneficial and of course fun so we have been working on the stories of the Qur'aan. We all gather in my bed and read through stories such as Musa (alayhi salam) and al-Khidr, The story of the Elephant (Surah Feel) etc, then to make it into more of a lesson I made the children a work sheet which asks them some questions about the story we read and has a section at the end for them to draw a picture to go with the story. They have made themselves a folder and designed a cover to keep them all safe.
We have also been doing lots of free arts and crafts and here A and L were decorating some trinket style boxes to give as gifts for eid maashaaAllaah.
During ramadhaan we managed to cover the months of Islaam and A and L made a poster by themselves to help them memorise the order of the months.
Displayed on our board |
Baby I is now 1 years old maashaaAllaah, time has gone by so fast and he is at the age where he is keen to sit with us while we do our work, not to mention pull everything out and have a good rummage through the drawers (funnily enough its always the glitter and glue one)
Sitting at the table getting to grips with the pencil |
Playing with the abacus |
Reading time |
I also purchased the galore park books for English, Maths, Science and History and we are slowly working through those. I am hoping that once I have the new baby inshaaAllaah I will still be able to get A and L doing some work even if it is just galore park. It took me some time to get back into a routine after having baby I and I really don't want that to happen again so hoping these books will help us get back to it after the break we are now on.
I hope inshaaAllaah the next post will bring news of our new arrival.....and I don't mean all the notes we are addicted to buying from ebay :-D
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