Alhamdulillaah A and L have so far managed to fast all of the days, they are really determined to complete the whole month inshaaAllaah. So I was really upset with myself today when I overslept and missed suhoor. I said to my husband that I was not going to let them fast today as the days are so long and the heat makes it much more difficult for them, so without suhoor it would be even harder. When they woke up the first thing they said to me is ''Mummy we missed suhoor'', so i explained that I had overslept and that it was okay as they could have a break today. Well the looks on their faces made me feel even worse than I already did. They looked deeply saddened by what I was suggesting. They told me they did not care about missing suhoor and that they really wanted to fast (it was a real 'pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease mummy' moment). I could tell that I was not going to win so I agreed and they ran off to pray Fajr (out of its time of course) with huge smiles on their faces.
This was my moment to reflect! What made an 8 and 10 year old so determined to fast? Why were they so keen? Did they want to please me? Was it the prize I had offered for them fasting as many days as they could? I needed to know!
I made up a quick questionnaire with the following questions on it:
1) What are your reasons for fasting in ramadhaan?
2) Why did you chose to fast even when I said perhaps you should have a break today?
3) How do you feel when you fast?
4) How do you feel at the time of opening your fast?
5) What do you hope to gain from fasting the month of ramadhaan?
I was about to find out just why they were so adamant to fast this whole month.
Here are their answers:
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A |
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L - (I can tell by her not so neat writing she is tired - but oh so determined maashaaAllaah) |
Their answers made me so happy maashaaAllaah. None if this was for me. They know they fast for Allaah. They know the reward comes from Him. A said he sometimes feels bored, but yet he still keeps going maashaaAllaah.
I am so proud of them I can not explain it. May Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala continue to bless and protect them, keeping them safe from all evil and harm and may He continue to help me raise them in a way in which they love to seek His pleasure, aameen ya Rabbil alameen!!!!
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