Thursday, 2 January 2014


As mentioned in my previous post I will be adding a regular entry inshaaAllaah to share what we have done no matter how much or how little (with the craziness around here it may be little)

The one thing I really worry about is how behind A and L are with maths. Well I say behind and really I should not as I do not like to compare them to other children their age BUT I know if they were in school they would be working on much higher levels than they currently are. Maths is not my strong point and I tend to not really push it so much with them. We used to use conquer maths but I was unable to renew the subscription when it expired in March and so we have just been doing our own thing. Alhamdulillaah I was able to renew it last week and so today they spent an hour each on there and then backed up the same subject (fractions) using their galore park workbooks. This seemed to work pretty well as it was almost 2 hours spent on maths but the time on the laptop seemed to pass pretty quickly and they enjoyed it much more than simply using workbooks.

We then went on to literacy and they spent another hour working on nouns, pronouns and verbs (active and passive). I had a few errands to do today so they then spent the afternoon rearranging their bedrooms and sorting out all their books. Alhamdulillaah I never have to touch their rooms now (apart from cleaning the windows) as they do such a great job themselves of keeping them clean and tidy.

I am currently studying tajweed at Tayyibun Institute and have to learn Surah Nabaa by Monday inshaaAllaah so this afternoon as I practiced I asked them to read along the transliteration as I read the Arabic and correct any mistakes I made. I really enjoy doing this with them and its a great way for the whole family to sit and benefit together maashaaAllaah.

This evening they sat making jewellery out of beads from an old light shade I took down. They used glass paints to colour them and it was nice to see them finding different ways to make use of them. L made some pretty earrings out of the long beads and paper clips and she asked if she can buy a small box to give them as a gift.

Tonight we all just sat in fits of laughter as I read a new book called The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet. Not the usual kind of books they read as they are more into long chapter books but we all laughed at this silly story about poop! :)

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