Monday, 24 March 2014


Alhamdulillaah I love home education. No stress. No pressure. The children do not have to compete or feel they need to be at a certain level or grade. When we first started out I was so strict and now looking back I realise how I held them back. All I had done is removed them from one school and set up school within our home, Oh wow we even had a bell at the start and end of lessons *cringe*. Now we have really chilled out and alhamdulillaah it is so much nicer. They learn because they are genuinely interested in the subjects THEY choose to cover. I am not there telling them what they need to learn or what I think they should be studying. From the moment they wake up until they read themselves to sleep A and L are smiling and have such passion to learn new things. They are constantly learning, asking questions, researching their interests etc. I love how free they we feel.

People often ask me if I feel bad for shutting them away from friends but I see it so differently to that. I can not imagine my children in school shut away from the real world, stuck in a classroom. The world has so much to offer them. Science, maths, history and so much more, it is all around them. I mean we even strike up a lengthy conversation about the human body just from cleaning our teeth! They get to mix with a whole range of people and learn how to respect everyone of all ages, faiths, walks of life etc.

A and L are really into history (the only subject I enjoyed at school) and so tomorrow inshaaAllaah we are off to the Tower of London. I know they will love it and it is exactly the kind of learning we love. Yes workbooks are handy and they have their place but to get out there and see things up close and in person is what it is all about.

We will have been home educating 5 years in June inshaaAllaah and I can honestly say that through all the ups and downs, highs and lows, glitter covered dinners from where our table doubles up as a craft table during the day, it is the most rewarding, beautiful experience I have ever had the pleasure of taking part in. My babies are learning and growing infront of me and I get to be there every step of the way maashaaAllaah. What more could I ask for. May Allaah bless and protect us and continue to guide our way aameen.

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