Thursday, 5 January 2012


Here is another simple arts and craft idea that children can do with hardly any adult supervision (unless they try to drink glue like L did when she was younger, but hey that's another blog). 

All you need is:

1 Clear Plastic Cup
PVA Glue
Acrylic Paints and Thin Paintbrush
Small Child's Torchlight (You can still make the cups without the light)

1. Dribble the glue all over the cup in any pattern that you like, add your glitter and leave to dry.

2. Now simply paint all the different sections with your choice of colours and again leave to dry.

3. Turn your cup upside down and place your torch underneath and there you have your funky light.

If you do not have a torch you can use the cups as a pencil holder or any kind of storage pot that you like :-)

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