Alhamdulillaah another day of learning is coming to an end (although I am sure we will learn something else before bedtime). Today has been another day that never went according to our planned timetable but was still just as educational. I had a few things that needed to be done so I planned to start the lessons from 1.30pm so that the morning could be used for doing all my jobs. One of those jobs was taking some parcels to the post office. Over the last two and a half years of home schooling I have realised that a lesson can be taken from almost anything, you just have to open your mind a little. So anyway as we walked to the post office we discussed the postal system and how we have to pay to send items and how the price depends on the size and weight of the item we are sending. I told the children about recorded delivery and explained how the person who receives the item has to sign for it and how the sender gets a receipt to prove they posted it (this led to a long conversation about missing post), we discussed all the different ways that post can be sent and how larger items need to go via post office rather than post box. L pointed out that you would not be able to post a Cat in the post box if you was sending it as a present lol. The children watched carefully as the cashier in the post office weighed and stamped the parcels and put them in his sack with all the other post (this led to another looooong conversation about how the postman must be very fit and healthy to carry all that post). I could hear the other people in the queue huffing and puffing as my children asked the cashier a thousand and one questions, but hey this was their lesson and they needed answers!! By the time we had finished in the post office, A and L were experts in all things post related and both said how they enjoyed their trip to the post office. Oh they are so easily pleased MaashaaAllaah :-)
I also had to collect a parcel from the sorting office that I had missed a few days before. I could not think what it was as I could not remember ordering anything, but was delighted to see it was some books I had ordered last year (that sounds bad for royal mail lol). They were from the Eemaan Reading Series and I had heard such great things about them. As soon as we got home the children wanted to start on them and as I had planned for 2 hours of Islamic Studies this afternoon I allowed them to do so rather than the Stories of the Prophets lesson I had scheduled (well as long as they learn, who cares about a change here and there - isn't that one of the benefits of home schooling). I had ordered the complete set for level 3 and two work books to accompany them. I read the two stories that came in the first book entitled Sharing and Caring and then the children answered the questions in the workbook. One of the stories talks about how when we give for the sake of Allaah, we will one day get back what we gave and so much more inshaaAllaah. We discussed this for a while and then the children coloured in the pictures in the workbooks while I washed up and tidied the kitchen a little.

Then a little bit later on we sat and read some books that we had picked up for just 40p each from our local Islamic charity shop whilst on the way home from the post office.
After reading them we discussed how buying things from a charity shop is a great way of giving to others and also a way of making use of things that other people no longer need or want. Alhamdulillaah the children then asked if they could sort through their toys and bag up the ones they no longer play with and give them to the charity shop.
Days like today make me really happy MaashaaAllaah as they remind me that I do not have to be stuck at home all the time and home schooling does not mean that I can not get anything else done. Today the children have learnt a number of things including life skills and the importance of sharing with others, and let's be honest, they don't teach that in school! ;-)
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