Anyone who knows me will know that for the last 3 weeks we have been restricted to what we can do lesson wise as we have workmen constantly in our home doing an energy upgrade. We are often stuck up in the bedroom but as they are all around the house on scaffolding we keep the curtains shut for some privacy, which means the room is too dull to really be able to work properly. So today I was overly happy when alhamdulillaah due to the rain the workmen was unable to do anything and we were free to use our classroom.
We started our day by going back to some work we began earlier in the year but never really done anything on it. I made up a small fact sheet and the children have to search their books or internet to find the answers for things such as currency, food, religion, climate etc.
Fact Sheet |
I bought a whole load of different stamps on ebay for the bargain price of 99p and so the children stuck a stamp of the country they were working on to the bottom of their fact sheet.
Stamps from Ghana |
A and L sorting through the stamps |
We also used a great little book from Usborne to help us see all the different flags for the countries which A and L also drew and coloured on the fact sheets.
A colouring his Union Jack flag he drew |
The book comes with stickers of each flag and so we stuck them on some tags we have and added a key ring to hang from our world map. On the back of each tag L wrote the date that each country adopted its flag.
2 of the tags on which L wrote the date the flag was adopted |
L adding the flag for China |
Some of the countries we are working on |
Then we made some boarding passes for the countries we worked on and added them to our pretend passports. A and L chose to fly from London to Wales for our UK section.
L adding her boarding pass to her passport (names removed for safety) |
Boarding passes (names removed for safety) |
Pretend passports |
After we had finished our Geography for the day we then went on to do a little Islamic studies and worked on our Hajj project. A and L used their Little Explorers magazine to write out some more facts to add to the ka'bah they made.
A writing his facts |
L writing her facts |
Our Ka'bah pocket that holds the facts |
We finished our day with some arts and crafts. The children painted some animals which are part of our animal project that we are working on (we have many projects going at once and work on them as and when we want to)
L painting her Giraffe |
A adding details to his Lion |
A sister recently asked me what hours we do each day. To be honest from the moment my children wake up to the moment they go to sleep they are constantly doing some kind of work, whether its reading, painting, drawing etc, they never really end their school day. As I sit and type this up L is colouring and A is reading his new horrible histories books that arrived today from The Works, a real bargain at £19.99 for a set of 20 books!
I am hoping that the workmen will not be able to work for a few more days so that we can get some work done as I have to admit I REALLY love it when we have a good home school day maashaaAllaah :-)