The children have spent today working on the final section of our five pillars lapbook. We started by reading our
Little explorers magazine and discussing the hajj in more detail.
We spoke about how Ibraheem alayhi salam re-built the ka'bah with his son Ismaael alayhi salam. The children then went on to make a ka'bah out of some old washing powder boxes which they absolutely loved doing and then they asked to make some mini pilgrims so we used toilet roll inserts and toilet paper to make simple little pilgrims. We discussed the clothes that they wear during hajj and A and L showed me how the pilgrims make tawaf by going round the ka'bah 7 times. We stuck a CD holder to the side of the ka'bah which the children will fill with facts about the ka'bah as we go along inshaaAllaah.
The children also read the word 'Talbiyyah' in one of the magazines so we watched a video on youtube and discussed what the pilgrims were saying. Here are some pictures from our work today:
The two issues we used to help us with our work |
L sticking some boxes together |
A and L working together to secure the boxes together |
L making a start on covering the boxes with paper |
Almost covered |
All covered and left to dry |
The children went outside to paint the ka'bah black |
Starting to add the details |
More details added |
Complete with our two mini pilgrims |
Our ka'bah fact holder (a CD wallet) |
Cant wait to continue tomorrow inshaaAllaah as today was so much fun :-D
MashaAllah that is brilliant
ReplyDeleteWe had lots of fun making it maashaaAllaah :-)