Monday, 10 September 2012


I have a huge bag full of cardboard tubes, egg boxes, cereal boxes etc which I always keep thinking we may use one day. That day finally arrived when we had the workmen in and could not get to all our usual stuff. The kids enjoyed painting toilet roll inserts and making skittles which they then played with for ages afterwards.

We then decided to get creative with some crayons and a canvas. I saw a blog which had glued a line of crayons to a blank white canvas and then melted them with a hairdryer to make a beautiful rainbow effect. I didn't really like the idea of gluing them on and then heating it up as I was worried about the smell the glue would produce once heated so I simply sellotaped them in a row and hoped for the best. The end result was not quite how it was supposed to be as the sellotape came unstuck and the crayons moved around but the children had so much fun doing this and they loved the end result so it was still a fun project. They were so pleased with how it looked that they wrapped it up and gave it to their grandmother as a gift maashaaAllaah. 

I have decided that one day a week will be just for arts and crafts as the children really enjoy it and it gives them a chance to be creative and really use their imagination. 

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